[This article is also available in English. Thanks to Pensar for the Spanish translation.] La mayoría de la gente cree que fomentar la autoestima en los niños tendrá muchos beneficios, desde la felicidad hasta un mejor rendimiento escolar, pero esa creencia no está respaldada por la evidencia. Se nos anima… read more "La autoestima está sobrevalorada"
Self Esteem Is Overrated
[Este artículo está disponible en español. La traducción al español apareció por primera vez en la revista Pensar.] Most people believe that fostering self-esteem in children will have many benefits, from happiness to better school performance, but that belief is not supported by the evidence. We are encouraged to reward… read more "Self Esteem Is Overrated"
Involuntary Treatment – Civil Rights or Civil Wrongs?
In the 1950s, 558,000 people were in mental institutions in the U.S. Many were there against their will and were being warehoused or treated badly. Deinstitutionalization was intended to restore their civil rights and improve their lot. Did it? By 2006, there were only 40,000 people in institutions. What happened… read more "Involuntary Treatment – Civil Rights or Civil Wrongs?"