¿El mundo se está volviendo más loco? Parece que sí, pero quizá es que yo estoy más consciente de la estupidez. He aquí solo unas pocas cosas estrafalarias con las que me he cruzado recientemente. This article is available in English. La adivinación usando espárragos En enero de 2019 The Mirror y… read more "Un exceso de tonterías"
A Surfeit of Silliness
Is the world getting crazier? It seems so, but maybe I’m just more aware of the silliness. Here are just a few of the outlandish things I’ve run across recently. Divination by Asparagus The Mirror and several other news sources reported in January 2019 that a woman in Bath, England, named Jemima… read more "A Surfeit of Silliness"