[This article is also available in English. Thanks to Pensar for the Spanish translation.] La tarea de la FDA (Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos) es difícil. No tiene personal ni fondos suficientes. Tiene que transitar una línea muy fina entre aprobar prematuramente un nuevo medicamento que… read more "Error al aprobar un medicamento para el Alzheimer"
The FDA Blundered When It Approved Alzheimer Drug
[Este artículo está disponible en español. La traducción al español apareció por primera vez en la revista Pensar.] The FDA has a difficult job. It is understaffed and underfunded. It has to walk a very fine line between prematurely approving a new drug that may turn out to be useless… read more "The FDA Blundered When It Approved Alzheimer Drug"
Mosconi’s Brain Food Diet
You can buy brains from the butcher to cook and eat, but this is not what Mosconi means when she refers to brain food. Lisa Mosconi has a web and media presence and a book Brain Food: The Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power. She claims, “There is increasing evidence… read more "Mosconi’s Brain Food Diet"
Hope and Hype for Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s sucks! It is a relentless, devastating, cruel disease that destroys patients’ memory and personality, making them no longer the person they used to be. It leaves its victims dependent on caretakers and eventually kills them an average of 4 to 8 years after diagnosis. Ten percent of the population… read more "Hope and Hype for Alzheimer’s"
“Obesity Linked to Stupidity”- an Example of Stupid Reporting
A news story on Science a Gogo reports that obesity is linked to stupidity, according to a new study based on brain scans. Apparently the reporter can’t read. That’s not at all what the study showed. What the Study Really Said The study was entitled “Brain structure and obesity.”It was… read more "“Obesity Linked to Stupidity”- an Example of Stupid Reporting"
Gingko Isn’t Smart
Millions of people take Gingko biloba because they think it keeps them smart. A recent study suggests they might be smarter to save their money ($107 million was spent on gingko in 2007 in the US alone). Gingko has been touted for everything from altitude sickness to tinnitus, but the main… read more "Gingko Isn’t Smart"