Most of what Steven Gundry says in his book The Plant Paradox is demonstrably wrong. There is no science-based reason to avoid lectins. A correspondent asked me to review a book by Steven Gundry, The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in “Healthy” Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain. I intended to reserve… read more "The Plant Paradox: Steven Gundry’s War on Lectins"
The Bobath Concept for Cerebral Palsy and Stroke Rehabilitation
The Bobath approach, also known as Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) is widely used for cerebral palsy and stroke rehabilitation, but it’s not supported by good evidence. In the US, the Bobath Concept is known as Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT). Patients with cerebral palsy, stroke, and other central nervous system pathology have dysfunction… read more "The Bobath Concept for Cerebral Palsy and Stroke Rehabilitation"
Neuroplasticity Nonsense Is Full of Red Flags
Adora Winquist offers advice about neuroplasticity, but hers is not the language of science or reality. Neuroplasticity is real and is being used in rehabilitation. We have learned that the adult brain can grow new neurons and the brain can be re-wired to function in new ways. In a recent email… read more "Neuroplasticity Nonsense Is Full of Red Flags"
Joovv and Other Red Light Therapies
The Joovv Go is a handheld device for red light therapy. Red light therapy remains controversial: most of the claims are not supported by credible scientific evidence. I recently received an email urging me to try the Joovv Go, a small handheld device designed to provide red light therapy while… read more "Joovv and Other Red Light Therapies"
Guest Submissions: Can’t People Read?
The old adage says, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. On the Science-based Medicine home page, at the top, are 5 tabs. One is “How to submit a guest post”. Clicking on that tab brings up a detailed article explaining the guidelines for guest submissions.… read more "Guest Submissions: Can’t People Read?"
The Polypill Comes of Age
The polypill is effective for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. By combining drugs in a single pill, it improves convenience and compliance. The polypill, not polypharmacy. Polypharmacy is the use of multiple medications by a single patient, which is sometimes appropriate and necessary, but can be ill-advised and result in… read more "The Polypill Comes of Age"
Does Vitamin D Prevent Autoimmune Disease?
A new study published in The BMJ suggests vitamin D might prevent autoimmune disease, but there are reasons to be cautious. Up to 75% of American teens and adults are said to be deficient in vitamin D, but there is no agreement on what level constitutes deficiency. Claims for the health benefits… read more "Does Vitamin D Prevent Autoimmune Disease?"
The Facemaker
Lindsey Fitzharris’ book describes the amazing innovations in plastic surgery brought about because of the horrors of World War I. War is hell, but often it leads to advances in medical technique that translate to peacetime. In The Facemaker, Lindsey Fitzharris tells the inspiring story of Harold Gillies, a visionary surgeon… read more "The Facemaker"
Two pills and an injection are FDA-approved to prevent HIV infection. Not enough patients and providers know about them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes guidelines and updates for preventing HIV infection. They call it Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis or PrEP. People at risk for HIV infection can be “PrEP-ared” to… read more "PreP for HIV/AIDS"
Is Olive Oil Good Medicine?
A study found that olive oil increased longevity and reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases, but it only showed correlation, not causation. I enjoy the taste of olive oil and use it for cooking. It has been recommended as part of the Mediterranean diet for… read more "Is Olive Oil Good Medicine?"