In case you hadn’t noticed, snake oil is alive and thriving under the shield of alternative medicine. As the Baby Boomers approach retirement age and develop health problems, we can expect an even greater boom of quackery, pseudoscience, and misinformation. Even the most critically thinking scientist may think less critically… read more "Keeping an Eye on Alternative Medicine"
Blind Spot Mapping: A Dubious Aspect of “Chiropractic Neurology”
Several hundred practitioners, mostly chiropractors, are offering a simple paper-and-pencil test that they say can tell how your brain is functioning [1]. They call it “blind spot mapping,” “brain function testing,” “brain mapping,” or “cortical mapping.” They claim that this test can detect an enlarged blind spot in one eye,… read more "Blind Spot Mapping: A Dubious Aspect of “Chiropractic Neurology”"
Blind Spots, Brain Maps, and Backaches: A New Chiropractic Delusion
My trip down the rabbit hole started when an ad in the newspaper caught my eye: “Do you have a good brain or a bad brain? One simple test may tell you… call today for a free brain exam.” I started to worry. I had always thought I had a… read more "Blind Spots, Brain Maps, and Backaches: A New Chiropractic Delusion"
Chiropractic Information in a Public Library
ABSTRACT Background: Chiropractic is based on a theory that most disease results from spinal subluxation and interference with nerves. The theory is not supported by experimental evidence nor recognized as plausible by medical scientists. Chiropractic manipulation is known to cause infrequent but devastating complications including death and paralysis. Despite this… read more "Chiropractic Information in a Public Library"